How to spend 20 minutes with God each day for 21 days:

Step 1: Read a Psalm from the list below. Read slowly and quietly in the Spirit’s presence.
Step 2: Pray using the acronym P-R-A-Y.

Praise – Praise God as you listen to a song on the Preston Trail Worship Playlist. Thank him for who he is and what he’s done.
Repent – Repent means change how you think. As the Holy Spirit reminds you of anything that is not in his will, name it. Choose a different direction.
Ask – Ask God for anything that is important to you. In time, he will teach you to ask for additional things related to his Kingdom.
Yield – Yield yourself to God. Submit your feelings, thoughts, relationships, work, and will to the Lord.

Daily Scripture reading for 21 days:

Day 1: Psalm 1
Day 2: Psalm 8
Day 3: Psalm 16
Day 4: Psalm 19
Day 5: Psalm 23
Day 6: Psalm 24
Day 7: Psalm 25
Day 8: Psalm 27
Day 9: Psalm 32
Day 10: Psalm 40
Day 11: Psalm 51
Day 12: Psalm 56
Day 13: Psalm 63
Day 14: Psalm 90
Day 15: Psalm 95
Day 16: Psalm 100
Day 17: Psalm 103
Day 18: Psalm 127
Day 19: Psalm 139
Day 20: Psalm 145
Day 21: Psalm 150