One body, many parts. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Serving at Preston Trail is one of the best ways to devote your time and talents to the mission of Jesus. There are many ways you can get involved on a weekend, during the weekday, or at special events throughout the year.
Here are a few examples:
  • TrailKids or Students: Small Group Leader
  • Welcome Team: Parking, Usher, Cafe, Greeter
  • Production Team: Lights, Audio, Screens, Cameras
  • Worship Team: Vocals, Choir, Instruments
  • Creative Team: Photographer, Videographer, Event Decorator

Begin your journey of serving our church by submitting an interest form today.

Take a Test Drive

Saying 'yes' to serving is an opportunity to invite God to show up in YOUR story. You'll hear us say, "serving is something we want for you, not from you." So it's important to us to help you find a spot where you feel God can use you to influence his Kingdom.
We'll set you up to take a test drive - where you'll experience a serving role firsthand before deciding to be plugged in regularly. Our hope is that you'll allow us to help you find your best fit!