The story of Jesus’ birth is a timeless narrative revisited each December. While its familiarity can sometimes cause it to fade into the background of tradition, a closer look at its characters reveals profound insights about God’s plan and our place within it. Mary and Joseph, often viewed as ordinary figures, played extraordinary roles in God’s unfolding story of redemption. Their faith, humility, and obedience are not only inspiring but also a call to action for all of us who seek to discover our roles in God’s great story.
God as the Ultimate Casting Director
God can be seen as the ultimate writer and casting director of an epic story told in four acts: Creation, Corruption, Redemption, and Renewal. The Christmas story, marking the opening scene of the act of Redemption, is pivotal. Through the lives of Mary and Joseph, we see how God carefully chooses his cast—not based on worldly qualifications, but on hearts ready to serve.
Just as a casting director understands the demands of each role, God’s choices reflect his deep understanding of our potential. He looks for individuals who, like Mary and Joseph, are faithful, adaptable, and spiritually mature enough to fulfill his purposes.
Just as a casting director understands the demands of each role, God’s choices reflect his deep understanding of our potential. He looks for individuals who, like Mary and Joseph, are faithful, adaptable, and spiritually mature enough to fulfill his purposes.
Mary: Carrying the Light of the World
Mary’s role in this narrative—to carry Jesus into the world, both physically and spiritually— was unparalleled. She nurtured and guided him through his early years, embodying qualities essential for her role. As the angel Gabriel greeted her, Mary’s initial confusion turned to faith as she responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true” (Luke 1:38).
The Requirements of Mary’s Role
God’s choice of Mary reveals much about his values:
Her background in Nazareth—a humble and seemingly insignificant town—connected her to the accessibility and humility of Jesus’ message. Her spiritual maturity shone as she prioritized her identity as God’s servant, embracing her role with courage and trust.
- Faithfulness: She managed the social and personal complexities of her calling with grace.
- Physical and emotional strength: Mary carried and raised Jesus amidst challenges that ranged from societal judgment to witnessing her Son’s crucifixion.
- Humility: Despite being chosen for such a significant role, Mary remained grounded, aligning her life with Jesus’ mission.
Her background in Nazareth—a humble and seemingly insignificant town—connected her to the accessibility and humility of Jesus’ message. Her spiritual maturity shone as she prioritized her identity as God’s servant, embracing her role with courage and trust.
Joseph: Facilitating the Savior’s Arrival
Joseph’s role was equally critical. As Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph facilitated his arrival and upbringing, ensuring Mary and the child were protected and provided for. When faced with Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, Joseph initially planned a quiet divorce to spare her shame. However, after an angelic dream, he embraced his role with obedience and compassion.
The Requirements of Joseph’s Role
Joseph’s character and actions illustrate key attributes:
Like Mary, Joseph’s ordinary background as a carpenter made him relatable to the struggles of everyday people. His lineage tied him to King David, fulfilling prophecy, yet his modest trade connected Jesus to humanity’s challenges.
- Faithfulness and bravery: He believed an unbelievable dream, guided his family to safety, and taught Jesus a trade.
- Humility: Joseph remained in the background, supporting Mary and Jesus without seeking recognition.
- Spiritual maturity: His repeated obedience to divine instructions underscored his trust in God’s plan.
Like Mary, Joseph’s ordinary background as a carpenter made him relatable to the struggles of everyday people. His lineage tied him to King David, fulfilling prophecy, yet his modest trade connected Jesus to humanity’s challenges.
Casting Insights: What We Learn from Mary and Joseph
God’s casting process offers valuable lessons:
- God doesn’t choose based on worldly qualifications. Mary and Joseph lacked wealth, status, and prominence, yet their humility, faith, and willingness set them apart.
- Ordinary people can fulfill extraordinary purposes. Throughout history, God has used people like Noah, David, and Peter—flawed and ordinary individuals who demonstrated extraordinary faith.
- God calls each of us uniquely. Just as Mary and Joseph were uniquely suited for their roles, God equips us with gifts, experiences, and perspectives to contribute to his story of redemption.
Our Role in God’s Ongoing Story
The Christmas story isn’t confined to 2,000 years ago. As the act of renewal unfolds, God continues to write his story, casting individuals to bring his light into the world. Each of us carries the presence of Christ in our daily lives, whether through parenting, serving our communities, or living with integrity at work.
Responding to God’s Call
Accepting God’s call requires faith, much like Mary and Joseph displayed. It’s natural to feel hesitant, questioning our ability or worthiness. However, the decision to say “yes” leads to a fulfilling partnership with God in his renewing work. Rejecting the role, on the other hand, forfeits an opportunity to make an eternal impact.
Mary and Joseph’s courage to embrace their roles changed the world. Their story invites us to reflect: What role is God casting for me? Is it time for me to step into a new calling, or recommit to an existing one?
Mary and Joseph’s courage to embrace their roles changed the world. Their story invites us to reflect: What role is God casting for me? Is it time for me to step into a new calling, or recommit to an existing one?
Conclusion: A Personal Reflection
Take time to consider your place in God’s epic narrative. Like Mary and Joseph, God calls us to roles that align with our unique gifts and circumstances. Whether big or small, each role has the potential to impact eternity. All it requires is our willingness to say, “Yes, Lord, I am available.”
May this reflection inspire you to listen for God’s call and respond with faith, trusting that your role in his story is both significant and eternal.
May this reflection inspire you to listen for God’s call and respond with faith, trusting that your role in his story is both significant and eternal.